
Metal applications

Rhenium is one of the rarest elements in the Earth and Total World production is around 50T/years. For this reason, the current price is 3200 US$/kg.

Rhenium is little used, own to its rarity and high production costs, and however is a strategic metal in the field of the aerospace and as catalyst.

It is combined with other metals, for example, the Nickel, to use the alloy for combustion chambers in the aerospace.

It is also used with the Platinum to serve as make a catalyst for reforming catalytic


Depending on the price of Rhenium at any given point, the effluent discharged by reforming plants, containing nearly

  • 70 ppm of rhenium
  • 13 ppm Platinum,

is interesting to treat economically.

ELSA has developed, thanks to its technology, a recovery of Rhenium and Platinum to 92% which is fundamental in making an recovery operation economically viable.

Products (by elsa) and properties

The production of cement of Rhenium by Elsa allows obtaining a solid rich in Rhenium.

It subsequently needs to be refined to form a pure metal.

Case studies

Piloting done with Axens.